Friday, August 1, 2014

New MARL Board Officers and Farmfest Social/Picnic

Congratulations to the newly elected MARL Board of Directors Officers:

Chair-Cam Fanfulik
Vice Chair-Jennifer Thatcher
Secretary-Sarah Betzold
Treasurer-Sander Ludeman

Thank you to the retiring officers for their service:

Chair-Jim Checkel (Jim has also retired from the board)
Vice Chair-Joel Mathiowetz
Secretary-Jennifer Thatcher
Interim Treasurer-Sander Ludeman              You are invited (see below):

Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Bruce & Ann Tiffany Farm Home
32503 - 327th Street, Redwood Falls, MN 56283
5:00 pm   Social and MARL Reunion Time     
6:30 pm   Picnic Style Meal
Extensive Burger Bar
Salads - Baked Beans - Chips - Dessert
Lemonade, Water, Pop or BYOB  

Meal Cost: $20.00 per person payable at the event.
This event will also be used as a fund raiser for the MARL-Curt Watson Endowment Fund (a separate jar will be at the beginning of the food line to allow you to help grow this endowment). 
Please RSVP by noon on Saturday, August 2 to allow the caterer time to prepare the correct amount of food. Please send a reply email with the names of people that want to reserve a meal to:

If you need directions or have other questions call Bruce on his cell phone at 507-828-0193. You are welcome and requested to invite your family, ag industry leaders, government officials, classmates, potential participants and MARL funding partners to this event.
At the 2014 MARL Farmfest Social and Picnic you will:

                +Reconnect with your MARL Friends and Funding Partners
                +Visit with several members of the newly selected MARL
                  Class VIII
                +Meet the new MARL Board Officers and current
                  MARL Board Members
                +Learn about the 2014 MARL Golf Tournament scheduled for
                  Monday, August 18 at North Links Golf Course in North
                  Mankato from Committee Co-Chair Gary Lager
                +Hear about the 2015 Alumni Study Tour to Ireland from
                  Committee Lead Jim O'Connor

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