An added feature this year was the announcement of the Curt Watson - MARL Endowment. Curt's family was in attendance to accept our thanks for selecting MARL as the recipient of the endowment funds donated in his memory. To learn more about this endowment please go to and click on "Curt Watson - MARL Endowment". While there you can also donate electronically to help MARL grow this endowment.
During Farmfest MARL Staff, MARL Alumni, MARL Board Members and MARL Class VII Participants worked at the MARL Booth and other Farmfest locations. Pictured below L to R are: MARL Class VII Participants Donna Boonstra, Anna Claussen,Nelva Lilenthal, MARL Program Director Mike Liepold, Founding MARL Board Member Duane Alberts, MN Representative Jeanne Poppe, MARL Board Chair Jim Checkel and MARL Executive Director Dan Hoffman.